From a freelance writer to an SEO specialist

Behind the scenes there are a lot of technicalities that help determine where a website is found in search results.

I’ve met hundreds of web developers and digital marketers, and all I can say is that SEO fascinates everyone. Everyone has asked me the secret of doing SEO at least once.

Here are some of the excerpts from my journey, which can be meaningful for someone interested in knowing about client building and SEO.

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Does background matter. From reading commerce to ranking websites

Some of you might feel that learning something like digital marketing requires fancy knowledge of HTML, stuffing keywords, etc.

Coming from a commerce background, I believe VP Purchasing Officer Email Lists that education cannot be the barrier to getting your hands into something out of the box. The ruthless pattern of education we follow these days demotivate many smart people from becoming SEO experts.

If you are determined to learn and put a consistent effort into your website, I can guarantee from my personal experience that no one can stop you from reaching the top.

The qualities I learned from top SEO experts
The first thing to know is that everyone has their own approach.

Meeting 10 different SEO masters means learning 10 different SEO strategies.

Here are my three absolute favourite qualities which I have grasped from different SEO experts.

As an SEO consultant you have to understand your goals

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Do you like to focus on conversions. It means that a visitor to your website will become a paying customer.
Do you want to increase the number of your web pages that show on the search engine results page (SERPS)?
Are you working to increase the overall power of your domain?
SEO should be part of your complete digital CRB directory marketing strategy. The focus of any strategy should be to achieve and measure specific goals; otherwise, you have no basis for determining success.

Do not stick to one particular SEO factor; if it isn’t giving results, try something else. There are a lot of SEO consultants who keep working on the same keywords and the same link for a long time. Never waste your time on a trick that is not working out for your website.

Search engine algorithms can change the game overnight and we should always keep our game on point.

Backlinks, backlinks, backlinks
One thing that every SEO expert has emphasized is to get as many backlinks as possible backlinks are when other websites link to yours.


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