How SEO works

With deep penetration of smartphones and high speed internet in india, consumer behaviour has shifted towards online research. If your business isn’t online, you’re simply invisible to potential customers.

Editor’s note: no time or interest to optimise your website on your own. Let the godaddy experts do it for you.

The 3 key parts of any seo effort
Broadly, you can work on the 3 search engine optimisation seo areas below.

Most people don’t look beyond page no. 1 of search results. You need to do all you can to make sure your website is listed there. Keep reading to learn how it’s done.

As the name suggests, seo is a process of adjusting your website so that search engines like google can easily read it. If the search engine can’t understand your website, it will not be shown to potential customers.

We do seo so that search engines show our website.

How seo works google search screen

Do you know 70% of the internet users do not scroll past the first page of the search engine results?

You must be thinking, “why put in so much VP R&D Email Lists effort learning and implementing seo when you can easily spend a few bucks and place an ad on the first page.

Well, the same study says that 70 to 80% of the users ignore the paid results and prefer clicking the other results. They understand that ads are paid for and therefore, might not provide the information they seek.

Moreover, seo is an asset to your business that reaps lifetime benefits — long after you are no longer paying for that ad.
How seo works letters spelling out seo
If google doesn’t index your website, no one will ever see it in search results.
Photo: merakis on unsplash
There are approximately 200 factors that google uses to decide whether to show a particular website on page 1 (or page 20) of search results.

Below we explain how to improve the chance that search engines will list your website on page one of results for your keywords.

Say you’re planning to buy a house. The first thing you check is its location and connectivity

C Level Executive List

It simply means the website should have a good structure (properly categorized) so that it is easy for both users and the search engine to understand what it contains.

And, as illustrated in the chart below, one should not have more than three levels of pages. In other words, site visitors should only have to click three times (at most) to find what they want.

How seo works moz infographic
Source: moz
Below we list the three parts of technical seo, including CRB directory instructions on how to do each one.

Site map
A site map is a list of all the pages on your website and it helps google index or ‘read’ your pages easily. Read this article to learn how to create an xml site map and submit it to google webmaster.

Ssl certificate
Google has confirmed that the ssl certificate is a site ranking factor. In its attempt to provide the best service to its users, google does not promote any website that does not protect their visitors’ data privacy.

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