Technology key in retailment

One of the alternatives that more and more retailers are choosing is to include screens inside their stores. Customers, already accustomed to buying online, increasingly do so on their smartphone or tablet. On these devices we read the news, access social networks, check emails or watch videos. And we do all of this while looking at the screen. Therefore, within this satisfying and innovative experience , the inclusion of new technologies in traditional shops is, without a doubt, a good idea. For example, in a perfume and makeup section, adding several screens with videos showing the products for sale attracts the attention of buyers. They can check how the creams and ointments work. They can even try them in front of the screen to compare the result.

 The customer must have the option to try out the product

Change channels, watch dynamic videos, test the lighting, gain or sound of these materials. In video game consoles, a games area also guarantees that the customer Sweden Phone Numbers stays in the store. And the longer they stay in the store, the more products they will see and the more likely they will end up buying one. Gamification and omnichannel At its core, retailment is a way of exploiting the deeper, more technical concept of omnichannel. That is, the fusion of the traditional physical sales channel and online commerce within the establishment . No seller can ignore the fact that customers, especially young and middle-aged customers, know many of the characteristics of what they are going to buy. They have previously done research on the Internet, have browsed pages that compare similar models, and have seen the prices of our store and that of the competition.

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Given what we have seen

What can we offer to make them come into our store and end up buying our product? Obviously, traditional retail has a competitive advantage. The consumer physically sees the store and what it sells . They have a physical person to ask questions to. They know the complaints area. The checkout. They ask directly about forms or methods of purchase (tickets, cards, Bizum, etc.). But (that alone) is not enough to win the UAE Phone Number List competition with digital commerce. Omnichannel is about promoting the use of online commerce tools within the physical store . In addition, the seller acquires a greater role when it comes to offering an entertaining sales experience. He must know not only the product, but also the jargon of the people interested in it. The debates that arise about these goods on social networks, forums and expert pages.

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