The right to get the opportunity to be creative

Every student or educator has the right to get the opportunity to be creative in the learning and teaching process with the aim of developing themselves to be even better.

An example is that every child has the right to be creative according to his imagination and can develop his talents and aspirations, such as participating in extracurricular activities or training.

Obligations in the community environment
Must maintain security and public order
Every community has an obligation to maintain security and public order, by not committing deviant acts.

An example is not making a fuss or even committing a crime

Must comply with various applicable regulations

Rules are made of course to be obeyed. If the whole community complies with the existing regulations, a safer and more orderly environment will be created.

Examples of obeying these applicable regulations are traffic rules and signs that apply to all road users. Most accidents occur as a result of road users who USA Business Fax List do not comply with traffic regulations. Road users must understand and implement traffic regulations in order to create order and safety.

An example is wearing a helmet or seat belt while driving.

Obligation to respect others
Every member of the community must respect and know manners so that the surrounding environment is more comfortable to live in.

An example is the obligation to maintain good manners when meeting neighbors in the neighborhood

Obligation to maintain inter religious tolerance

In social life people with different backgrounds, ethnicities, religions and cultures must maintain mutual tolerance and respect so that harmony and unity is maintained.

For example by not disturbing other  CRB Directory people who are worshiping and still maintaining peace.

Maintain the sustainability of nature
As citizens, we have an obligation to maintain cleanliness and environmental sustainability. There are several efforts that can be done by. The community to protect the environment, so that environmental damage can be reduced or not getting worse.

An example is by planting trees or reforestation. Reducing the use of motorized vehicles and the use of plastic, not throwing garbage into rivers and seas and processing waste frequently.

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