Then get them to counter the top 

objections customers give him or her. Record that too. Transcribe the recordings, and you’re 80% there. Just have someone who knows sales copywriting clean it up a bit, and close it strongly. And Voila! Killer sales copy. Why is it so darn good? Copywriting is salesmanship in print. And your best salesman or woman knows your product and how to sell it better than anybody on the planet. They’ve done it hundreds or thousands of times. They know what the customer worries about and what objections they might have. They know how to trigger the emotions that will get your customer to buy. Your sales page created this way will have the most important selling points bang up front, right at the top. It will ask the right questions.

But it has

to be said… And rather than get annoyed, I hope you feel a little gratitude for being told. Like when someone kindly  Netherlands Mobile Number List  steps over the social embarrassment threshold and tells you that you’ve got spinach in your teeth. And it’s been there all day. Here it is. If you are Then get talking about a ‘blog post’ and instead you say a ‘blog’ then you sound rather silly (to put it nicely) to 30% or 40% of the people you’re talking to. It’s just a fact. Allow me to explain. A ‘blog’ is a ‘magazine’ A ‘blog post’ is an ‘article’ – a single page of content on a ‘blog’. (You can also just call it a ‘post’) When you ask someone to read or write a ‘blog’ it’s exactly the same as asking someone to read or write an entire ‘magazine’.

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Two entire

magazines!? Articles, adverts, pictures, business plan, domain name, copyright and all? No, he asked me for ‘two articles by Friday.’ When you use the word ‘blog’, you are asking for the entire website. Or the  Belgium Phone Number List entire section of one’s website where multiple posts are kept. Please see the Oxford dictionary definition of ‘blog’ to confirm this fact. And here is the Then get definition of ‘post’ meaning a single piece of content (4th one down). These two savvy bloggers also felt the need to vent their frustration with this all-too-common mistake: This is a Blog Post. Now it’s true that more and more people are using the word ‘blog’ to mean ‘blog post’. It’s just one of those changing trends. But here is why I think it’s dangerous for you to jump on that band wagon. At least for the next decade or so.

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