Utilizing technology to produce innovative works

One of the most prominent results of the youth pledge is the use of indonesian as the language of unity. The youths who were present at that time realized that it would be difficult for the indonesian people to unite if there were still obstacles in communication.

There was no time to learn all the regional languages ​​spoken at that time. The most appropriate way out is to use the same language to communicate.

Moh even Yamin who served as secretary during the second youth congress

Had to translate speakers who used dutch.

You can find it in the book caring for indonesia written by lukman hakiem.

This book is able to tell very personal things and memories that may not exist in other history books.

Interpreting the youth pledge in the digital age
The meaning of the youth oath
Source: pixabay

The three meanings of the youth oath above are VP HR Email Lists the basic foundation that we must maintain forever. Of course, by still using the existing basic foundation.

In this way, we can pass on the values ​​and spirit of the youth pledge to our children and grandchildren. In this digital era, there are several ways we can interpret the youth pledge. Here’s the explanation.The rapid development of technology is currently opening up many opportunities for the younger generation who want to contribute to the country. The covid pandemic played a role in encouraging a sense of unity and togetherness.

The younger generation in these two years

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Has never stopped working together to help others who have been affected by the pandemic. Both from an economic standpoint, housing, and others.

Various technological innovations were created to bridge the youth and all indonesian people. Websites , applications, digital media, learning platforms , delivery CRB directory services, to marketplaces are proof that the younger generation is able to utilize technology to produce innovative works.

Indirectly, they have practiced the spirit of maintaining the unity and integrity of the indonesian nation.

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