WordPress posts: what they are and how to create them

WordPress is the most important content management system not only on the web, but also in the history of technology. Its relevance is such that almost half of the websites published today are under the WordPress platform. In this post you will find an extensive guide to learn how to work with the posts of this CMS.

What are WordPress posts?

Posts are a type of content published with the WordPress content management system. They are the most common and popular type of content, allowing us to feed our blog or website with a constant flow of new posts.

To understand what a post is, we must distinguish it from the other types of content that we can create by default in WordPress.

Pages : These are contents that change infrequently and are limited in number, even defined from the beginning, such as the contact page, who we are, privacy policy, etc.
Entries : These are Telemarketing for Mortgage Leads contents in which new publications appear regularly, such as news or blog posts. They are generally arranged in reverse chronological order.

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Elements of a post in WordPress

To create good posts in WordPress, which ensure the quality of our publications, we must first know what elements they consist of.

Title of the entry
Although it may not seem like it to the untrained eye, the title of the entry is one of the most important aspects. We must create attractive titles that capture attention and offer readers an exact idea of ​​what they will find in the entry. We must also think about the positioning of our articles in search engines (SEO), creating titles that contain the most important keywords and those for which we want to be positioned.

Entry content

The post content or body is where most of the text, images, and other informational elements are located.

Categories and tags
Categories and tags allow us to classify entries into different themes. They are important because they will facilitate navigation through the site and the possibility for our users to find content on the topics that interest them most.

Images and multimedia
Images are placed in the body of the post. We will generally incorporate them as we write the content. WordPress allows us to effectively manage multimedia content, integrating various types of elements such as photos, carousels or videos.

Meta tags and SEO

When it comes to achieving good positioning of our content in search engines (SEO), it is also important to define the meta information of the entries. This includes descriptions and keywords by which we want to be found. To help us define this meta information, it is common to use SEO plugins such as Yoast or All in One SEO.

Comments and discussion

Advanced Publishing Options
WordPress also offers advanced options for publishing posts. There are also thousands of plugins that allow you to add new possibilities to your posts. The WordPress ecosystem is huge in this regard.

Steps to create a new post in WordPress

Let’s now see how to create a post in WordPress, specifying the process step by step.

1. Log in to the admin panel
The first step is to access the WordPress administration panel, with our username and password.

3. Select “Add new”
Within the entries section in the WordPress administration panel we will have to click the “Add a new entry” option and then our creation process will begin.

4. Enter the title of the entry
We will start by entering the title of the entry, in the field located at the top of the post content manager.

5. Write the content of the entry
Next, we will use the WordPress editor to generate the body of the post. WordPress currently has a fairly advanced editor known as the block editor or Gutenberg.

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