Implement microlearning to train millenials

Millennials require a modern approach to training in order to enhance their knowledge absorption and performance in the workplace.

The time has finally come when millennials have officially stolen the title for the largest generation in the workforce, taking the crown from the baby boomers. In saying this, it is crucial for companies to capture the knowledge and experience of the boomers so that there is a smooth transition of the power into hands of millennials. Scary.

Even scarier, they are two and a half times more likely to adopt new technology than every earlier generation. But scariest, of the global workforce will be made up of millennials.

Millennials are now entering the workforce in mass quantities and are soon likely to become

The largest workforce demographic. It is therefore imperative that employers understand how to effectively engage them in learning settings. Millennial learners are Gambling Email List accustomed to seamlessly integrating technology into their learning experiences. And given their affinity for social networks, they are used to instant gratification in terms of feedback. Because they are highly focused on goal achievement, they actively desire feedback to help them accomplish their goals. Mobile devices have basically become extra limbs to our younger generations making it easy to create mobile learning courses which are just as addictive as their phones. Mobile learning suits the preferences of learners, allowing them to progress through course content at their own convenience and pace.

Implement microlearning to train millenials

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Microlearning is the perfect way to train millennials for various reasons. Firstly, our short attention spans have taken their toll on the amount of information we can absorb at any given time. Lessons are split into small, bite chunks which are easily digested by the brain and stored.  Introduce gamification to train millennials in the workplace
Gamification adds a whole brand spankin’ new dimension to traditional learning experience. According to hubspot’s consumer behaviour survey, learners are the least likely to skim.

Through educational games amongst any other form CRB Directory of content. Implementing gaming elements into serious course content transforms learning material into a set of fun and effective modules. Once entertained by functions such as leaderboards and prizes, millennials are sure to enjoy their training.

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