Nursing home management software

Clinic Cloud healthcare software is a very effective tool as part of nursing home management . In centers for the elderly it is essential to have management and control tools that allow us to offer each inmate an individual service based on their particular needs. Clinic Cloud is the perfect tool to centralize information in a single, secure digital space and protected.

Digital management of nursing homes

Have mostly adapted to the new digital tools, which allow for personalized solutions adapted to geriatric care.

The main advantage is that the Textile Mill Manufacturers Email List information is stored on external. Servers, and therefore it is not necessary to have physical spaces in which. Profiles and records of residents are piled up, in addition, the information can be retrieved. At any time from different devices and has security services, which prevent. People outside the center from accessing the. Personal information of inmates and professionals.

It is already possible to have a daily consultation with. A single tablet through which we can access thousands of different. Profiles. At clinic cloud we have developed medical software adaptable. To nursing homes, which can also be adapted to the particular qualities of your center.

Basic functions of Clinic Cloud applied to nursing homes

Job Function Email Database

One of the main advantages of Clinic Cloud compared to other online health managers is that you have the support of a technical team 24 hours a day. We know that for you, your business is the most important thing, that is why Clinic Cloud includes permanent technical CRB Directory support through telephone and email support, in addition, our team develops training activities, so that all the people who work daily with Clinic Cloud can know all the possibilities offered by this support.

Regarding security and data protection, only authorized persons can consult the personal data of geriatric patients, residents and professionals. In fact, the Organic Law on Data Protection specifies a series of specific regulations for the health sector.


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