The best current medical journals

Harvard health journal . Harvard university is widely. Known for its medical research and expertise. This journal publishes all the latest findings from harvard and other. Prestigious medical research institutions, thereby. Allowing readers to stay at the forefront of medical research.

American journal of preventive medicine. This publication is a way of alerting medical professionals. To the latest methods in disease prevention, as well as their knowledge.

Nature. Every week nature publishes new findings. In science, and is a highly regarded science journal for health. Writers, especially if you write about consumer health. Or have a science blog.

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This journal examines the benefits and risks of new and existing drugs.

The lancet. The lancet is considered an authoritative voice in global medicine, with 1.8 million registered users worldwide. Only 5% of the submitted manuscripts Apparel and Clothing Manufacturers Email List are accepted for publication in the journal, which shows its rigorous selection process.

Preventive medicine . Preventive medicine is one of the foremost authorities in the study of public health and programs designed to prevent disease. The publication covers a wide variety of topics, including heart disease, cancer, and a long list of pediatric conditions that could be prevented through proper diet and hygiene.

Pediatrics. There are also specialized magazines in a specific area of ​​medicine, such as pediatrics, a magazine that focuses exclusively on research on pediatrics. It is the magazine of reference as far as health for children is concerned.

This american magazine is another of the main references in medicine

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His publications include articles on general medicine, but have a special focus on bone care and advances in the field of metabolism. American journal of surgery. It is the CRB Directory reference magazine for surgeons in the united states, although its online version is available to everyone. This header shows the main advances in medical surgery.

Medical journals are a basic means of dissemination for the scientific sector, and specifically, for the health area. Publishing in this type of journal, especially in the ones we have mentioned above, is very complex. Usually these publications focus on the great advances in medical science, and therefore only the most cutting edge research in the world achieves a publication of this type. However, there are all kinds of international and national medical journals that allow other studies to be published.




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