Can a patient request their digital medical record

When contracting the services of a medical software in the cloud, certain aspects must be taken into account regarding the elements that will integrate our clinic management program . In this post, we are going to talk about a file as important as the digital medical record .

In fact, the spanish health system has a program designed to facilitate patient access to their records quickly, easily and comfortably. However, the differentiation between the criteria of the different autonomous communities for the management of their health systems is making it difficult to consolidate this project in the different regions.

Even so it seems that progress is being made towards the standardization

In the case of the private system, the medical management. Programs in the cloud make this section easier and faster, giving. The health specialist Security and Commodity Brokers Email List everything he needs and giving the client. Access to his own file with all the facilities.

This access was not unlimited before and required carrying. Out certain procedures that would allow the patient to consult that medical record.

The interested party had to correctly fill out an application. Model for access to this document and present it together. With their national identity document at the clinic in question. It was important. That the interested party kept a copy with the seal of the medical. Center that justifies that this step of the procedure had been carried out.

Today with clinical management programs such as clinic cloud

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Therefore, medical management programs are the best solution.For easy access to the digital medical record by all parties interested in its correct administration.

Right to medical history
As we have analyzed, a patient has the right to CRB Directory claim and. Consult their own medical data through the. Clinical history, online or in person, but it is important to know. The legal framework that protects this right.

In general terms, the rights of the patient are included. In law  of november 14, this law regulates the foundations. That establish the autonomy of the patient and the claims that can be carried out, among. Which is included the possibility of requesting medical history. Online and medical documentation in general.



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