The right to food, clothing and shelter is fulfilled

The family is the first environment where members get basic human needs, namely food, clothing and shelter. These basic needs must be met so that family members can carry out their activities properly and properly.

An example is that children must receive nutritious. And healthy intake, get what they need to go to school and do activities such as clothes and so on.

 The right to education and guidance

Every human being has the right to education, one of which is the family. The family is the first school for children and has an important role in shaping a person’s character before taking formal education.

For example, children have the right to go to Singapore Business Fax List school and get other guidance from tutors or additional lessons that can add to their skills.

Rights in the educational environment

Citizens’ rights

The right to acquire knowledge
Every student who takes education has the right to get knowledge that comes from learning material delivered by educators. Science is important as a person’s provision for social life and getting a decent living in the future.

For example, children who are entitled to receive lessons given by competent teachers and guided to become smart and accomplished students.

 Right to make friends and socialize

Every student has the right to make friends and socialize with anyone regardless of differences. Making friends and socializing can shape the character of students to be more empathetic, improve communication skills, hone emotional intelligence and foster a social spirit.

For example, children get friends who are allowed to socialize with anyone without bullying and social differences.

3. Right to equal treatment
In a learning environment, students are entitled to equal treatment from those around them, especially educators. Likewise, educators must receive the same treatment. In this case, what is meant by ‘same’ is fair and equal.

An example is that in schools, every child, both CRB Directory children who are born into affluent and disadvantaged families, has the right to receive equal treatment from educators.

4. Right to protection
Every student and educator has the right to receive comprehensive protection so that they can carry out educational activities in a calm, comfortable and safe manner.

For example, children must receive protection and security, especially. From teachers and school staff regardless of the background, ethnicity, culture and religion of their students.

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