Types of patients in Medicine that you will see in a consultation

There are many types of patients who can go through a medical consultation. We wanted to review the main types of patients in medicine . Do you want to meet them? Well keep reading.

Types of patients in medicine
Nice patients
Pleasant patients are generally very easy to care for. Fortunately, most patients fall into this category. However, the main problem with these patients is that, given their sympathy, a doctor may be tempted to be more reassuring and optimistic than they should be when realism dictates otherwise.

Courageous patients have enough emotional strength to face any diagnosis, no matter how hard it may be.

These patients can be very frustrating for a patient because

They never seem to want to continue their prescribed treatment despite still coming to the office complaining of the symptoms that first brought Canadian Biotechnology Email List them there. This is the case, for example, of smokers who do not quit.Not all patients react well to a bad diagnosis, some do so with anger, rage and even anger. Remember that anger may be the patient’s defense mechanism against some other underlying emotion, such as fear, anxiety, or depression.

These patients have learned how to get what they want whether it is good for them or not. We have to be able to recognize when we are being manipulated and be careful to avoid Giving in when we know it is not in the best interest of the patient. These types of patients require a lot of care. They can be overwhelming at times, so sometimes you have to gently set limits to what you can and can’t do for them.

They are the patients who like to be in charge, controlling everything

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They tell you what they want and don’t hesitate to disagree with the doctor if they don’t like what he’s saying or doing or not doing. These types of patients can be time consuming and often require a great deal of reassurance. The most extreme case is the hypochondriac patient who calls the emergency room at the slightest pain.

Emotional management in medicine and its impact on the patient
The importance of emotional management in CRB Directory medicine is vital for patient care. Far from being an accessory aspect of our work, issues such as empathy help us improve as professionals.

Detecting previous profiles helps us from a base. Obviously, the type of message we send to a non compliant patient will be different from a pleasant patient.

What we seek through emotional management is to develop a message adapted to the personality of each patient. Obviously, the content is independent of the patient’s personality, and we must ensure that it has reached the patient correctly, however, the way of conveying the message may vary.


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